Sister Parish June Update

Thank you very much for using the WeShare site to send donations to support our sister parish in Ligera. Your support is needed and greatly appreciated.

While schools have been closed in Tanzania, the MOQ education center students have been highly motivated to help.  They were allowed to use the center’s sewing room in groups of 6 and have made masks for the residents of Ligera.  They are very anxious to get back to their full curriculum.  We have photos of the 35 students and can’t wait to share them with you at an information meeting/dinner this Fall.

The changes that have happened in Ligera because of the support from our parish are amazing.  When we are able to get together again we will show you a video of Ligera so you can experience the joy and gratitude of the people!

We have good news, the schools in Ligera have been allowed to open! Thank you for your prayers for the people of Ligera; No cases of Covid-19 have been reported there.