Sister Parish July Update

The Tanzania Sister Parish Committee will continue to update you on what is happening in Ligera.  Please continue to check our church bulletin and subscribe to our Facebook page, MOQ Tanzania Sister Parish.

 The Mary Our Queen Education Center in Ligera is back in session!  Please keep our 35 students and teachers in your prayers.  A BIG Thank you to all our parishioners.  You are truly making a difference in the lives of students who had no further opportunity for education.

 There are many additional improvements being made due to the generosity of Mary Our Queen parishioners. Essential supplies were provided for the Dispensary (Health Clinic).  Supplies:  used eyeglasses, medications, 8 blood glucose testing meters and testing strips, a baby balance scale, 2 first aid kits, 2 blood pressure cuffs and spignomanometers, 4 stethoscopes, a wheelchair, 50 bed sheets, a portable ultrasound machine and an I-Pad to display and store the ultrasound readings.  The health professionals are especially pleased to have this device to use with their pregnant mothers. The health of the people in Ligera has been improved because of you.  Thank you for all you are doing to support our sister parish.

Save the Date!

Saturday, October 17, 2020
Tanzania Sister Parish Update, Celebration and Fundraiser
6:30 PM/Trinity Room
*More details to follow