Pastor’s Letter: March 17, 2024

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


We enter into the Fifth Week of Lent.  The mentioning of the Greeks in this weekend’s Gospel refers to Jesus not only making an impact on just his own people but also to everyone around him.  This speaks upon the universality of Jesus’ salvation that is offered.  By saying “unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit” Jesus makes himself accessible to all.  This is the very reason why Jesus came into our lives.  By the offering of the cross, Jesus shows us the way to the Father.  This is the very intention of God – which is to draw all of us to himself.  This is why we always encourage you to make a good confession during the season of Lent.  The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows us to remove all of the junk in our lives and be renewed with our focus in Christ.  We hope that this Lenten season continues to be a source of renewal that shapes us in the love of God.

I hope you have been able to attend the Lenten series that has been offered for our Family of Parishes.  Our final session will be at St John Vianney this Monday March 18 at 7pm.  We hope to build up our Parishes by providing more faith opportunities like our Lenten series. Not only does this give us an opportunity to be a place where faith is lived but also where our faith is shared.  If there is something that you would like to see that helps the growth of your faith life, kindly contact Jodi Meyer.

The Knights of Columbus of both St John Vianney and Mary Our Queen will be hosting their Final Fish Fries of the Lenten season this Friday.  The proceeds support the charitable activities of the Knights of Columbus.  Please join us if you are able to.

Things going on at St John Vianney:

The Church pews that were affected by the water damage caused by the leaking roof were stained over the week.  This completes the repairs that were caused by the water damage.  There are also a few spots in the flat roof portion of the Church that are leaking.  We are currently working to get them patched up.

Things going on at Mary Our Queen:

The renovation of our existing playground should begin in about 2 weeks time.  We will be removing the shredded mulch and replacing it with a new rubber surface.  The renovation also includes the replacement of the dome in the playground and the slides in the existing playground structure.


God’s Blessings,

Fr Marc