November 21, 2021

Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and Thanksgiving

Today is the last Sunday of this liturgical year, the day on which we celebrate Jesus Christ as King of the Universe. So, what can we take from this feast? Well, the most important thing is whether Jesus really is the one who you consider your leader, and whether you grasp that God truly does reign over the universe.

On this feast of Christ the King, let us allow Christ to reign in our minds, our wills, our hearts and our bodies. Friends let us once again invite Jesus to be the king of our lives and our families.  And invite Him to be part of our whole world, spiritual, political, material and economic.  Long live Christ the King.

Happy Thanksgiving! On behalf of Fr. Mark, the staff here at Mary our Queen and myself, I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Though Thanksgiving Day is not specifically a Catholic holy day, it certainly goes hand in hand with our life of faith.  Spiritually speaking, we all know that gratitude is central to the Gospel message.

Thanksgiving Day presents us with the perfect opportunity to look at this particular aspect of our faith.  We are called to be eternally and deeply grateful.  It seems so appropriate that before we get to Thanksgiving Day, that we take a few moments to express our thanks to God.

Count Your Blessings:  When we intentionally count our blessing, we feel better about our lives and about the world around us. Showing gratitude helps us to readjust the lenses we look at life.

Express Your Gratitude: Take some time this Thanksgiving to express exactly what you’re thankful for. You can tell your friends and family around a dinner table or share it on social media. It will help them and it will help you. You might even want to write a few gratitude letters to people who you’re grateful for. As you give thanks to the Lord and celebrate Thanksgiving Day with your family, I invite you to join us for Mass at 9:00 am on Thanksgiving Day.

Fr. Mario Rapose

Associate Pastor