MOQ Early Education

Welcome to MOQ Early Education

As a Catholic school, we are committed to providing a nurturing and loving environment for your child’s growth and development. Our dedicated and highly experienced teachers strive to instill Catholic values, love, and respect in our students.

At MOQ, we offer a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to meet the unique needs of each child. From arts and crafts to music and language arts, our curriculum is carefully crafted to ensure each and every child reaches their full potential. We know that early childhood education is crucial to laying a strong foundation for a child’s academic success and we are committed to providing a safe and engaging learning environment that stimulates creativity and promotes critical thinking.

Our Early Education building is a fantastic environment for your early Preschool learner to learn and to have fun.  We strongly believe in the partnership between school and parents, so you can be assured that we will keep you informed about your child’s progress and achievements every step of the way.

See the difference our Early Education programs at MOQ can provide your child.  Watch them thrive in a supportive and faith-filled community. Contact us now to schedule a visit and discover the Mary Our Queen difference!

SAVE THE DATE–Kindergarten Roundup–Friday, February 9th.

Preschool–Please call the school or visit us at to set up a tour and see our preschool programs up close.