January 10, 2021

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We celebrate the Feast Baptism of our Lord this weekend.  This celebration brings an end to the Christmas season.  The Baptism of our Lord begins the public ministry of Jesus.  Through the waters of baptism, we enter into our new life with Christ.  We are invited to live out our baptismal call by being instruments of Christ love and faith to the world.

This week, the second graders in our Parish will be celebrating their First Reconciliation.  Congratulations to our Second Graders.  We would like to thank all our Religious Education teachers for guiding them on their faith journey.  Please keep our Second Graders in your Prayers.  We look forward to celebrating with them their First Communion in the Easter Season.

We will be resuming classes in our school this week.  A decision was made to move our School to remote learning last week to provide an extra layer of protection to allow families and staff who travelled to quarantine while providing a continuity of instruction.  We continue to navigate with the COVID-19 environment and to follow our established protocol.  All DCHD protocols are and will be followed.  Close contact/quarantine information will come from the DCHD.  As a reminder, please monitor COVID-19 symptoms.  As always, if you or a family member has a fever, chills, body aches, headache, sore throat, cough, and loss of taste and smell, they should stay home from school or church until symptom free.  Continue to utilize and refer to our COVID-19 Resource Page at https://www.moqschool.org/moq-covid-19-resource-page/.  We continue to place the health and safety of all members of our school and parish community our top priority.

Please check out our Weekly Updates via email.  If you have not received an email, kindly call our Parish Office and we will add you in our email mailing list.  Thank you again for supporting us during this time. We continue to keep all those affected by this virus in our prayers.

May the Joy and Peace of Christ that was born that Holy Night multiply throughout your lives.

God’s Blessings,

Fr Marc