Garage Sale Update

It is with a heavy heart that we are letting you know that the 42nd annual Human Needs Garage Sale will not take place this year due to so many unknown restrictions.  I would ask that you consider St. Vincent DePaul, Goodwill, Salvation Army, The DAV, etc. as an outlet for your garage sale donations. The Garage Sale, of course, is our big fundraiser each year, with that said; the need for rental, utility, food, clothing and miscellaneous assistance does not go away in addition to our Needy Family Christmas project.  If you would like to make a donation you can send  a check made out to Mary Our Queen Human Needs and direct it to my attention at 12322 Rose Lane, Omaha 68154.  We will provide a letter of receipt.  A huge thank you for your support over the years.  Hopefully next year’s sale will be bigger and better than ever.

Have a blessed day,

Mary Parizek, Chairperson MOQ Human Needs