Capital Campaign October Update

Dear Parishioners,

Our capital campaign, Sharing Our Gifts and Building Our Future, is helping Mary Our Queen Church and School to meet our parish’s growing needs and prepare for its future.

As a community of faith, we are called to be good stewards of God’s blessings to us. Our stewardship means we take seriously the call to offer a portion of our blessings as thanksgiving back to God. With this in mind, we encourage you to pray about your financial commitment to the Capital Campaign. This is a spiritual exercise for the parish, not merely a financial one. For each of us, this process should begin with prayer.

We will be reaching out to parishioners in November regarding the campaign.  Thank you for being part of this need and for answering the call of Making Missionary Disciples of Jesus. To learn more about the campaign, click HERE.

The current totals for the campaign include the following:

$322,603.00 pledged currently

God’s Blessings,

Fr. Marc