April 10, 2022

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We enter Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday this weekend. We are invited to place ourselves in this weekend’s Gospel where we participate in the Passion of the Lord.  Christ fought evil with love and invites us to allow that gift of love to renew our lives.

As we enter Holy Week, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in our Easter Tridium Liturgies:

Mass of the Lord’s Supper – Thursday at 7pm
Good Friday Service – Friday at 3pm or 7pm
Easter Vigil – Saturday at 8pm

Easter Sunday Masses are at 7am, 9am (Church and Cafeteria) and 11am

We also invite you to make a good confession if you have not taken the
time to do so.  These are the times confessions are offered at Mary
Our Queen:

Monday           4 to 6pm
Tuesday           11 to 12pm; 4:30pm to 6pm and 7pm to 8pm
Wednesday     11 to 12pm; 4:30pm to 6pm and 7pm to 8pm

We had part of our driveway asphalt replaced with concrete.  We apologize for the inconvenience caused.  This project was originally scheduled last fall but unfortunately, we were not able to have it done until now.  We are hoping to have another section of the driveway replaced during this summer.  We also had some new Memorial Benches installed and placed around the Entrance Plaza and School.  We would like to thank the Men’s Club for helping us install the benches.  The plaques for the Memorial Benches will be installed soon.

We continue to pray for all those affected by COVID-19.  Our Parish is opened up for meetings and for groups to gather.  For time being, we will continue to make available part of the left side of our Church for those still wanting to social distance.  Thank you for kindly working with us.  As a reminder, please monitor COVID-19 symptoms.  As always, if you or a family member has a fever, chills, body aches, headache, sore throat, cough, and loss of taste and smell, they should stay home from school or church until symptom free.

Please check out our Weekly Updates via email.  If you have not received an email, kindly call our Parish Office and we will add you in our email mailing list.

God’s Blessings,

Fr Marc