31 Club

This is a program sponsored by the Serra Club. The Serra Club is an international group of Catholic men and women who devote their efforts to the promotion of Vocations to the Priesthood and Vowed Religious life. The 31 Club encourages members of the parish to join Catholic men and women worldwide to volunteer for one hour per month to pray for Vocations. Members can pray at home or at church. It is voluntary, but very necessary.


Sam Marasco

Cenacle of Marian Movement of Priests

The primary purpose of our prayer in the cenacle is to pray for Our Lady’s intentions, which is salvation for all humanity. The rosary is prayed along with other prayers and readings from “To the Priests, Our Lady’s beloved Son”, containing Our Lady’s messages to Fr. Gobbi. The cenacle of Priests is dear to spiritual benefits. They are the golden key that unlocks her tremendous power of intercession. Our Lady invites you.


Connie Garza

The Gift of Living in the Divine Will

We have been praying for over 2000 years, “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  It has begun.  This was revealed to approved mystic, Servant of God, Luisa Peccarreta, 1865-1947 in the village of Corato, Italy.  This is the greatest grace since the Incarnation.  This was all revealed to Luisa over her lifetime by Jesus and she was instructed to write to write everything down.  She had several confessors, & spiritual directors who visited her daily and said Mass for her in her room where she was confined to bed. One of her spiritual directors who was canonized by St John Paul II was able to get most of her writing to receive imprimaturs and be published.
This is the third great will of God, the first being the Creation, the second being the Redemption, and the third being the Coming of the of God when the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
This group meets in the Upper Room on Wednesdays at 1:00-2:30. If interested contact Marjorie Uerling at 402.778.0226 or muerling@ymail.com

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is the oldest lay apostolate with members around the world in the spirituality of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. The Legion of Mary focuses on doing corporal and spiritual works of Mercy and evangelizing and participating in the life of the parish, such as Brown Scapular investures, rosary candlelit procession, visits to families, the sick homebound, leading rosaries, novenas, etc. Our Blessed Mother calls one and all. The spirit of the Legion of Mary is that of Mary herself. Under the spiritual direction of Deacon Bob Hamilton, the rosary is prayed and readings are said from the Legion handbook, followed by meeting agenda.


Linda Thomsen

Junior Legion of Mary

Under the spiritual direction of Deacon Bob Hamilton and Connie Garza, the Junior Legion of Mary is a weekly prayer group that is open to boys and girls who are in 2nd through 8th grade. The group meets every Thursday after school during the school year. The group prays the rosary and learns about Jesus’ love for each of us as well as performs acts of service.


Angie Pensick

Connie Garza

Prayer Chain

Our Purpose is to intercede in serious matters and emergencies, such as hospitalization, accidents, surgery, serious illness or death. Being an intercessor is more than being a petitioner. A petitioner prays, “Dear God, please heal John,” scripture tells us an intercessor “stands in the gap”

(EZ 22:30) meaning the intercessor takes the place of the person being prayed for since they are unable or incapacitated. We step in and pray for them.


Connie Garza

Charlotte Rettenmaier

Rosary for Peace

Several people pray a rosary every Wednesday at 6:15pm in the Family Room. We pray for the safety of our police, firefighters, first responders, military, here and abroad. We also share our worries, prayers and joys.


Deacon Bob and Lori Hamilton
402-739-7406 bobxlori@aol.com

Vocation Prayer Cross

The Prayer Cross is a small standing crucifix. A family will pick one up after their weekend Mass and take it home with them. Then each day as a family, pray for vocations. The following Saturday, they return the crucifix to the sacristy so it’s ready for the next family. The crucifixes are carried in small wooden boxes. Prayers are encouraged for more priests, religious brothers and sisters, but also for consecrated virgins, married couples and deacons. We need strong marriages and families and strong vocations to the priesthood and religious life.


Deacon Bob and Lori Hamilton
402-739-7406 bobxlori@aol.com

Vocations Ministry

The committee has a monthly Holy Hour to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, as well as, deacons, strong marriages and single. The Holy Hour has prayers, and reflection time. We meet about every other month following the Holy Hour.


Deacon Bob and Lori Hamilton
402-739-7406 bobxlori@aol.com