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Last weekend, at all the Masses at Mary Our Queen, we heard a personal witness and invitation from the leaders of an exciting new faith sharing option for the men of our parishes: “That Man Is You!”  I wish those who attended St. John Vianney Masses could have heard their witness.  It was powerful.  This opportunity to join the “That Man Is You!” Men’s group is open to all adult men from our Family of Parishes, but it will be hosted at Mary Our Queen Church’s Kenny Center on Thursday mornings from 6-7 AM.  Breakfast will be provided and most importantly, coffee!!  At each session, this Men’s Group will listen to a video featuring a dynamic speaker, followed by some time for discussion and faith sharing.  The leaders of our local group have prepared themselves with prayer and training to create a non-judgmental space where men can explore their faith and even their doubts about faith.  This video series has been completely redone and incorporates solid, research-based information about healthy relationships and accurate information about Catholic Church teaching.  Thousands of men have gone through this program and have testified that it has made them better Sons, Uncles, Brothers, Husbands, Fathers, and Single Men.   For more information, please reach out to Phil Fenton at:  402-670-2542 or scan the QR code below.  More information can be found on page 9 of this bulletin.


Fr. Steve Boes

Angela Keiser

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