Meant For More – 4 week course
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a theologian and Nazi dissident once said that “Christianity without disciples is Christianity without Christ”. That statement reveals why our parish mission statement is “Making Missionary Disciples of Jesus.” But what exactly does that mean?
This 4-session course will explore:
- What is my purpose? What is God’s invitation to me?
- What is a disciple?
- What does it mean to follow Jesus?
- Why do I need to be in a community with other believers?
You are invited to join us to learn more about these topics through the YDisciple series, “The Invitation,” which includes video and discussion. This course is open to MOQ/SJV high school students and adults of all ages.
Sundays: March 16, 23, 30 and April 6 | 10:00-10:55am | MOQ School Library
Coffee and snacks will be served
Please RSVP by emailing or call the MOQ parish office at 402-333-8662.