Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs)

Since the mid-1960s, Lectors have been entrusted with the crucial task of making the Word of God come alive by proclaiming it for the Christian assembly.

EMHCs assist the clergy in the distribution of the Body and Blood at Communion time. Some EMHCs take Communion to the sick and shut-ins as well.

Participating in the Mass as a Lector or EMHC is a meaningful way to assist the parish and grow in your faith. In order to become a Lector or EMHC, you must attend: one training session (offered virtually);parish-specific training held at Mary Our Queen; and mandation at the parish. There may also be periodic parish training as new procedures are implemented. Contact Renée with any questions or to register for the training.

Contact:  Renee Spicka at 402.905.0021 or at rspicka@moqchurch.org

Altar Servers

The Altar Servers assist the priest/celebrant in saying the Mass. They have a very important role as they lead the congregation during the Mass. As youngsters, they are a symbol of the reverence and piety that is the Mass. Training is provided by Mary Our Queen following registration, held in the fall.

Contact Renee Spicka at 402.905.0021 or at rspicka@moqchurch.org

Adult Mass Servers

The Adult Mass servers are a group that primarily assists the priest by serving at funeral Masses. However, they may occasionally serve on certain other occasions if requested by one of the parish priests. All adult men and women are welcome and encouraged to join the ministry. No previous experience is required. Training is provided by one or more of the current servers.

Contact Dick Liebentritt at 402.871.3611.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

The Children’s Liturgy is offered to all children ages 4 – 10 at the 9:00AM mass.  Children participate at will (no registration necessary) to hear the liturgy, teaching and prayers designed for children.

Contact Ann Bruner at 402.393.1910 or at kidslit@moqchurch.org


The sacristan ministry functions to assist the clergy in preparation for all Liturgical services by preparing the sanctuary area, setting out the vessels and necessary equipment, and coordinating personnel. Other responsibilities include cleaning and maintaining equipment and the sanctuary area. Sacristans are assigned for all liturgies including daily and weekend Masses, weddings, and funerals. They are assigned to a team serving alternate months.

Contact Renee Spicka at 402.905.0021 or at rspicka@moqchurch.org


The ushers, whose role is deeply rooted in scripture and tradition, provide for the physical needs of the priest and people at liturgical services. Specific duties include assisting with seating when necessary, taking up collections, passing out bulletins, and attending to any special needs during the services. Any man or woman, high school age and above, is welcome and encouraged to participate. We can always use more volunteers. If you are willing to help, please contact either the Mass captain at the Mass you normally attend, or the head usher. Mass Captains are: Saturday: Rich Keuchel, 5:30pm; Sunday: Ed Allis, 7:00am; Jim Kaminski, 9:00 am; Mike Graff, 11:00am; Paul Kawacz, 12:30pm; Chuck Weiland. 5:00pm. The head usher is Dick Liebentritt.

Contact Dick Liebentritt at 402.871.3611 or at rmlieb@cox.net

Gift Bearers

The Gift Bearers bring up the gifts of Bread and Wine during the Mass.  You can volunteer as a family for this very beautiful ministry.  Gift Bearers are assigned to all weekend and holy day liturgies.

Contact Renee Spicka at 402.905.0021 or at rspicka@moqchurch.org