January 16, 2022

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We enter into Ordinary Time in our Liturgical Year.  Ordinary does not mean ordinary but comes from the Latin word ordinal which means for us to count in the Days of the Lord.  The Green Liturgical color symbolizes growth.  We are in Year C whose Liturgical Year began in Advent.  There are 3 years in a Liturgical cycle – A, B and C.  Each year allows us to focus on one of the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke).  This year our focus is on the Gospel according to  Luke.  Please note there are some exceptions like this weekend’s Gospel is from the Gospel according to John (John will be used at various occasions throughout the year).

In the Gospel reading this weekend, we hear the account of the Wedding of Cana.  In the Gospel reading, we hear how Mary trust that Jesus would do what is right and invites us to  place our trust in Jesus through the words – “Do whatever He tells you”.

We are soon approaching our annual fundraiser the MARQUEE on February 26.  We are hoping that the proceeds for our upcoming MARQUEE Raise the Paddle will help us upgrade the lower-level west wing hot water piping.   We started to address the heating of our school given that all the steam pipes are over 50 years old last year.  The current estimate to upgrade the system is about $300,000 ($75,000 per wing of each floor).  Thanks to last year’s  MARQUEE Raise the Paddle, we replaced the hot water piping of the lower-level east wing of the school last summer with a variable volume terminal unit with a heating water coil in each classroom which connects to the existing ductwork. This included new temperature controls for the rooms and extension of the heating water piping from the lower-level mechanical room to each coil.  We are grateful for your generosity that helps continue building up our Parish Community.

We have begun the remodel of our Blessed Sacrament Chapel.  We received the insert for  the Tabernacle that will allow us to have the Blessed Sacrament exposed in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel from the opposite side of the Tabernacle and access and see the Tabernacle  from the Church.  We removed the Tabernacle from our Church so that we can have the insert installed.  A temporary Tabernacle is currently in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.  Once that is done, we will replace the carpeting in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel as well as have new lighting and furniture installed.  We will also have a new Statue of Mary that has been donated placed in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.

Our Director for Evangelization, Stewardship and Development – Katie Murphy has accepted  a position in development at JPII Newman Center. Katie’s last day was on Wednesday.  She  has been with us for the last 4 ½ years and we are grateful for her service to Mary Our  Queen.  We wish her well for her future endeavors.

We continue to pray for all those affected by COVID-19.  I know that this has not been easy for everyone.  We also continue to do our best to keep everyone safe.  Our Parish continues to remain open for meetings and for groups to gather.  We have made available the left side of our Church for those still wanting to social distance.  We continue to request that mask be used when coming forward to receive Communion.  Thank you for kindly working with us.  We will reevaluate these protocols on a week to week basis.  As a reminder, please monitor COVID-19 symptoms.  As always, if you or a family member has a fever, chills, body aches, headache, sore throat, cough, and loss of taste and smell, they should stay home  from school or church until symptom free.

Please check out our Weekly Updates via email.  If you have not received an email, kindly call our Parish Office and we will add you in our email mailing list.  Thank you again for supporting us during this time. We continue to keep all those affected by this virus in our

God’s Blessings,

Fr Marc