The Human Needs Group provides financial assistance to the less fortunate in our parish and community. This assistance is aimed at meeting their material needs (rent, utilities, food, clothing etc.). Our focus is to provide assistance to the less fortunate through referrals, shelters and parish ministry groups. All assistance is confidential to ensure that no one’s pride is endangered.

Annual Garage Sale

The ANNUAL GARAGE SALE is an all parish event with roughly 300 adults, teens and 7th and 8th graders volunteering during this week long project. Parish members donate items and we literally fill the gym and several classrooms with saleable items. We typically raise over $36,000 and share those funds with Restored Hope, Heart Ministry, Siena-Francis, St. Joe’s Door Ministry, Holy Family Door Ministry, Heartland Hope Mission and Prairie Lane LifeHouse. The Human Needs share is used to fund year around assistance. The Human Needs Group relies on the Garage Sale and individual donations for its funding.

Needy Family Christmas Project

The NEEDY FAMILY CHRISTMAS PROJECT helps families in need at Christmas. Parish groups and individuals sponsor families providing gifts for all the family members. In addition to families from our parish community, we get referrals from Restored Hope, St. Joe’s Church, Heartland Hope, One World Community Center, Precious Memories Daycare, Siena-Francis and countless school counselors. Depending on the size of the family the amount spent on each family is on average $200-$300. We typically assist around 200 families consisting of over 250 adults and 550 children.


The Human Needs group accepts your donations throughout the year to assist those less fortunate. We assist those in need throughout the Omaha community for rent, electric bills, gas bills, and other financial needs. We are grateful for your support. We collect donations on the first weekend of each month at Mass, or you may make a donation online at any time.