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It goes without saying the MOQ is a cut above when it comes to Stewardship.  The success of the Christmas Family project speaks volumes about the generosity of the MOQ Parish Family.

You have once again demonstrated your extreme generosity.  The 2024 project to provide Christmas gifts for less fortunate families was a huge success due to those of you who sponsored a family or donated to the Human Needs group.


Statistics on this year’s project are as follows: 185 families sponsored consisting of 257 adults and 496 children. Multiple truckloads consisting of 336 bags, 159 boxes, bikes, furniture, food, gift cards and Christmas trees were delivered.  Additionally, sponsors & Human Needs funds helped to provide Christmas for a number of MOQ families and the residents of Golden Manor.

Sponsors and contributors consisted of individual parishioners, KC’s, Men’s Club, Guild Circles, High School and Middle School students, Scouts, Catholic Daughters, MOQ School Council, Mount Michael Classes, Work groups etc.  The number of people involved in helping out with the Needy Family Christmas project exceeds 500. Depending on the size of the family the amount spent on each family is on average $200-$300.  That means the project generates roughly $45,000 – $50,000 in generous giving for less fortunate families.  The Human Needs Committee used their funds to sponsor the very large families. We also provided each of the charities below with a total of $12,000 in grocery and store certificates for Thanksgiving and Christmas so they could meet the needs of those families who come forward late.  

Please know the staff of  St. Josephs Church Ministry, Heart Ministry, One World Community Center, Catherine Riley House, Siena-Francis House, Sandoz School, Westgate School, Oak Valley School, Educational Services Unit, Golden Manor, Cody School and the MOQ Human Needs group greatly appreciates everyone who helped out in anyway.  The Mary Our Queen parish family is uniquely charitable!!  Your Stewardship is certainly a cut above!!


MOQ Human Needs Group

Mary Parizek, chairperson



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